
- 职称/职务
- 副教授
- 研究领域
- 知识产权法
荷兰马斯特里赫特大学 法学博士 2016
德国马克斯普朗克创新与竞争研究所 客座研究员 2012
中南财经政法大学知识产权学院 法学硕士 2010
中南财经政法大学法学院 法学学士 2007
Personal Bio:
Jie Wang (1985) is currently an Associate Professor at Koguan Law School, Shanghai Jiaotong University. His research focuses on Intellectual Property Law, particularly on copyright law, and also covers European Law and Comparative law. In Oct. 2016, he finished his PhD research and received this doctor degree from Maastricht University, Netherlands. In 2012, he successfully acquired scholarship from Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, and had done study there for 14 months as a guest researcher. So far, he has been invited to attend and present at the conferences held in the US, UK, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Australia and South Korea. More than 10 of his articles have been published on Journals, including some renowned Journals in IP field, such as Computer Law and Security Review, Asian Pacific Law Review, International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition, European Intellectual Property Review, Legal Science (Chinese), Intellectual Property (Chinese), etc. His PhD thesis “Regulating Hosting ISP’s Responsibilities for Copyright Infringement: The Freedom to Operate in the US, EU and China” has been published with Springer in 2018.
02/2016-09/2016 PHD researcher at Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition; Munich, Germany
09/2011-10/2016 PHD candidate at Maastricht University; The Netherlands
Thesis subject: Regulating Hosting ISPs’ responsibilities for Copyright Infringement – Freedom to operate in the US, EU and China
11/2011-10/2013 Guest Researcher at Max Planck Institute for Interllectual property and Competition; Munich, Germany
09/2007-08/2010 Master in IP Law at Zhongnan University of Economics and Law; Hubei, China
09/2003-08/2007 Bachelor in Law at Zhongnan University of Economics and Law; Hubei, China
Email: jie.wang@sjtu.edu.cn
1. Regulating Hosting ISPs‘ Responsibilities for Copyright Infringement – Freedom to Operate in the US, EU and China”, Springer (2018), 12.3万字,独著。
2. Share is Fair: The Changing Face of China’s Fair Use Doctrine in a Sharing Economy and Beyond,“Computer Law and Security Review” (SSCI)35(1):15-28.
3. How to utilize notice-and-takedown procedures in IP enforcement on e-commerce platforms - a lesson from China, Asia Pacific Law Review (SSCI) 29(2): 243-263.
4. 《网络存储空间服务提供者的注意义务新解》,《法律科学》2020年第3期,100-113页,2.5万字。人大复印资料《民商法学》2020年第10期全文转载。
5、《电子商务法》中通知-删除条款之定性与适用 ,载《中国政法大学学报》2021年第5期,182-194页.
6. Development of Hosting ISPs’ Secondary Liability for Primary Copyright Infringement in China ---- As Compared to the U.S. and German Routes, By IIC “知识产权与竞争法国际评论”Vol. 46, Issue 3, p. 275.
7. Not All ISP Conduct is Equally Active or Passive in Differing Jurisdictions: Content Liability and Safe Harbor Immunity for hosting ISPs in China, the European Union, and the United States Case Law, By European Intellectual Property Review“欧洲知识产权评论”2015, 37(11), p. 732.
8. 《美国SOPA议案评析及其对我国网络知识产权立法的启示》,《知识产权》2012年第8期, 第90页。
9. 《改变作品之界定——评我国<信息网络传播权保护条例>第22条第二项之正确适用》,《中国版权》2010年第1期,第41页。
10. 《影视分栏招致的注意义务研究——以“凤穿牡丹”案为分析对象》,《电子知识产权》2010年第1期,第27页。
11.《<世界知识产权组织保护广播组织公约>制定中的问题分析》,《知识产权》2008年第4期, 第84页. 第二作者。
语言能力(language skills)