
在加入上海交通大学凯原法学院前,曾在QS排名前100的西澳大利亚大学(University of Western Australia)法学院担任长聘高级讲师,海洋学院研究员,博士生导师。主要研究领域包括国际贸易规则与实践、战略性产业政策、渔业协定与立法、野生动植物贸易、联合国可持续发展目标等。现阶段主要从事研究国际法和比较法视角下的非法、不受管制和不作报告的捕鱼、“一带一路”和远洋渔业、绿色可追溯产业链条、技术性贸易壁垒、跨境电子商务中的消费者保护等学术议题。

在过去几年的教学经历中,曾为国内外的法学本科生、法学硕士生、法律博士生(Jurist Doctor)、法社会学本科生(Law and Society)和国际交换留学生开设过中文和全英文的国际法学类核心和选修课程。近年来,先后出版过英文专著一部(Routledge),中文专著一部(中国环境科学出版社)。曾在国内外匿名评审学术期刊发表中、英文论文二十余篇,其中SSCI层次论文十余篇。曾多次参加在中国大陆地区、香港地区和澳洲知名高校和研究机构举办的国际性学术会议并作报告。曾受邀为十余部国际SSCI/SCI知名期刊及教材出版社担任匿名同行评审人。现为多个国内外国际法学类学术机构成员。在行政服务方面,现任院长外事助理兼国际化办公室主任、 《交大法学》责任编辑、美迈斯律师事务所(O'Melveny)法学奖学金评委会成员等。2021年入选上海海外高层次人才青年项目。



四川大学 法学学士

外交学院 法学硕士

悉尼大学 法学博士





1.    Juan He, The WTO and Infant Industry Promotion in Developing Countries: Perspectives on China’s Large Civil Aircraft Manufacturing, Routledge (Taylor & Francis), 2014 (1st ed), 2016 (reprint)

2.     张建伟,蒋小翼,何娟, 《气候变化应对法律问题研究》,中国环境科学出版社,2010年


1.  Juan He, “Pelagic Fisheries under International Norms and Standards: China’s Legal Practice and Implications for the Belt and Road Initiative”, in Mario Esteban and Lin Yue (eds), China and International Norms: Evidence from the Belt and Road Initiative, Routledge (Taylor & Francis), forthcoming

2.   Juan He, “China’s Industrial Policies for Commercial Civil Aviation Manufacturing: Implications for the Global Trading System”, in Jae Woon Lee (ed), Aviation Law and Policy in Asia: Smart Regulation in Liberalized Markets, Chapter 5, Brill, 2020


1.  Juan He, “A Jurisdictional Assessment of International Fisheries Subsidies Disciplines to Combat Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing”, Sustainability,  2022, 14(e14128):1–16

2.    Juan He, “Sustainable Seafood Consumption in Action: Reinvigorating Consumers’ Right to Information in a Borderless Digital World”, Journal of International Economic Law, 2022,  25(1):171–190

3.   Juan He, Xiong Zhang, “China Revamping Decades-Old Fisheries Law to Combat Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated Fishing: Stimulating the Intersection of Law, Technology, and Markets”, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2022, 10(e777497):1-9

4.   Juan He, “Enhancing Sustainable Consumption in China: A Seafood Example”, Chinese International of Environmental Law, 2021:5, 172-198

5.     Juan He, “Imported Seafood Traceability Regulations: A Mishap for the WTO’s Disregard for Non-Product Related Processes and Production Methods?”, Asian Journal of WTO and International Health Law and Policy, 2020:15(1), 169-207

6. Juan He, “Do Unilateral Trade Measures Really Catalyze Multilateral Environmental Agreements?”, International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 2019:19(6), 577-593

7.  Juan He, “Unilateral trade measures against illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing: unlocking a paradigm change in trade-environmental partnerships?”, Journal of World Trade, 2019:53(5), 759-782

8.    Juan He, “From Country-of-Origin Labelling (COOL) to Seafood Import Monitoring Program (SIMP): How Far Can Seafood Traceability Rules Go?”, Marine Policy, 2018:96, 163-174

9.    Juan He, “The EU Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing Regulation based on market-related measures: Unilateralism or a model law?”, Journal of International Wildlife Law & Policy, 2017:20(2), 168-197

10.   Juan He, “Enhancing Chinese Law and Practice on Combatting IUU Fishing and Trade”, Asia Pacific Journal of Environmental Law, 2016:19, 4−28

11. Juan He, “International trade disputes related to fishery products: time to engage a Chinese perspective?”, International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, 2016:31(1), 32−59

12. Juan He, “A review of Chinese fish trade involving the development and limitations of food safety strategy”, Ocean and Coastal Management, 2015:116, 150−161

13.  Juan He, “Chinese public policy on fisheries subsidies: reconciling trade, environmental and food security stakes”, Marine Policy, 2015:56, 106−116

14. Juan He, “The rise of a Chinese large civil aircraft supplier: standardization, certification and policy responses”, Annals of Air and Space Law, 2015:40, 573−606

15.  Juan He, “China−Canada seal import deal after the WTO EU–Seal Products case: At the crossroad”, Asian Journal of WTO and International Health Law and Policy, 2015:10(1), 225−263

16. Juan He, “WTO-plus commitments and emerging implications for China's large civil aircraft manufacturing”, World Trade Review, 2014:13(3), 517−545

17.  Juan He, “Developing countries’ pursuit of an intellectual property law balance under the WTO TRIPS Agreement”, Chinese Journal of International Law, 2011:10(4), 827−863

18.   张建伟, 何娟,“碳关税及其中国的法律应对”,《世界环境》, (2011):1, 51-52

19.   何娟,“碳关税: 新的绿色贸易壁垒抑或 WTO 环境保护豁免”,《上海对外经贸大学学报》,(2010):17(3), 56-61


1.  报告“WTO多边渔业补贴新规则”,上海市WTO法研究会2022年学术年会,同济大学法学院,2022年11月5日

2.  报告“欧美渔获证书制度及其对我国相关法律的启示”,渔业依港管渔与渔获物可追溯国际研讨会,浙江省水产学会/浙江省海洋水产研究所/自然资源保护协会,2021年12月17日

3.  报告“世界贸易组织渔业补贴新规则及中国改革应对”,上海市WTO法研究会2021年学术年会,上海对外经贸大学,2021年11月13日

4.  Chair of the Session “Water, pollution, and fish”, 6th National Frontiers in Environmental Law Colloquium, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia, 13-14 February 2020

5.   Presentation on “China’s Industrial Policy Promotion of Commercial Civil Aviation Manufacturing”, Conference on Aviation Law and Policy in Asia, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, 1-2 November 2019

6.   报告 “Traceability governance of seafood: emerging regulatory paradigms and possible legal accommodation”, 天津大学法学院, 天津,2019年10月20日

7.   报告 “Traceability governance of seafood: emerging regulatory paradigms and possible legal accommodation”,  中国农业大学农村法治论坛, 北京,2019年10月16日

8.   Presentation on “Enhancing trade and market-based tools to address illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing”, Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law, International Economic Law Interests Group Workshop, Sydney, Australia, 12 October 2017

9.   Presentation on “The EU IUU Fishing Regulation based on unilateral trade and market-control measures: policy implications for the Asia Pacific”, Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security, Wollongong, Australia, 7 July 2017

10.  Presentation on “Discerning regulatory protectionism in the post-Uruguay era: the role of science in the WTO dispute Australia−Apples”, Sydney Law School Postgraduate Research Conference, Sydney, Australia, 29 October 2010

11.  Presentation on “The accelerated liberalization agenda on tariffs in Doha non-agricultural market access negotiations and potential impacts on developing countries”, 18th Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law Annual Conference, Postgraduate Research Students Workshop, Canberra, Australia, 23 June 2010


1.   主持人,国家社会科学基金一般项目,“可追溯视角下我国海洋捕捞渔业法律监管机制研究”,2022−2026

2. Co-investigator, The University of Western Australia Research Accelerator Scheme, “Enhancing the Student Experience of Chinese Students in Australian Universities”, 2019-2021

3.   Chief investigator, The University of Western Australia Research Impact Grant, “Trade in Fishery Resources: Regulation for Economic Resilience and Environmental Sustainability in the Asia Pacific Region”, 2017

4.   主持人,浙江省政府钱江人才C类计划社会科学项目,“世贸框架下的发展中国家幼稚产业升级:以中国民用大飞机产业为例”, 2014−2015

5.   主持人, 浙江大学中央高校科研专项资金项目,“海洋自由贸易与海洋资源保护在中国的法律博弈“,2014

6.   主持人,教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金项目,“WTO法律视角下的中国民用大飞机研发、制造与出口贸易中的难点研究”,2013−2014


1.  《交大法学》,2022(4次)

2.  自然资源保护协会报告《渔港监测与渔获物可追溯:欧盟经验》,2022

3.   International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 2020; 2021

4.   Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 2020

5.   Marine Policy, 2020 (2次)

6.   Nature Ecology and Evolution,2020 

7.   Fish and Fisheries, 2020 

8.   Journal of Territorial and Maritime Studies, 2020

9.   Fisheries Research, 2019 

10.   Marine Policy, 2019

11.   Journal of International Trade Law and Policy, 2019 

12.   University of Western Australia Law Review, 2018

13.   Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law, 2018

14.   Routledge (Taylor & Francis) textbook proposal, 2018


1.  上海海外高层次人才青年项目,中共上海市委组织部/上海市人力资源和社会保障局,2021

2.  Nomination for the Awards for Teaching Excellence – Individual, The University of Western Australia, 2020

3.  Nomination for the 2020 Awards for Teaching Excellence – Team, The University of Western Australia, 2020

4.  求是青年, 浙江大学, 2014

5.  国家留学基金委 ― 悉尼大学博士研究生奖学, 2009−2013

6.  Cooke, Cooke, Coghlan, Godfrey & Littlejohn Scholarship, The University of Sydney, 2012

7.  Ross Waite Parsons Scholarship, The University of Sydney, 2011

8.  Ross Waite Parsons Scholarship, The University of Sydney, 2010

9. Australian Day Awards, Celebrating 114 years of women’s achievements and contribution to society, National Council of Women 10.  NSW Inc. & Gilbert + Tobin, 2010

