
Matthias Vanhullebusch Olivier
- 职称/职务
- 教授
- 研究领域
- 国际法
Matthias Vanhullebusch Olivier(马天赐)
October 2007 – June 2011
LL.D. (Doctorate in Law with Highest Honours)
School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
October 2006 – August 2007
LL.M. (Adv.) Public International Law with International Criminal Law Specialisation
Leiden University and Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies
September 2003 – September 2005
LL.M. with Commercial Law Specialisation (Licence en Droit)
UniversitéLibre de Bruxelles, FreieUniversität Berlin, and Humboldt-Universitätzu Berlin (Erasmus, Wintersemester 2004-2005)
LL.B. (Candidate Juris)
(September 2000 – June 2003)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
October 2012– Present
KoGuan Youth Legal Scholar
KoGuan Law School, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
July 2011 – August 2012
Law Firm – KatelijneStallaert
Legal Editor
October 2005 – September 2006
Real Estate Agency – Immo MV
Legal Advisor
March 2010 – September 2010
Postgraduate Admissions-Assistant
School of Oriental and African Studies, Faculty Office Law and Social Sciences
September 2009 – April 2010
Guest Lecturer International Human Rights Law
School of Oriental and African Studies, School of Law
June 2009 – April 2010
Research FellowInternational Humanitarian Law and International Criminal Law
School of Oriental and African Studies, Centre for Law and Conflict
October 2006 – September 2007
Leiden Journal of International Law
Edited Books
Yearbook of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law, Vol. 16, Leiden/Boston: Koninklijke Brill, 2010-2011. (Together with Cotran, E. and Lau, M. (eds.)) (Forthcoming)
Yearbook of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law, Vol. 15, Leiden/Boston: Koninklijke Brill, 2009-2010, 379 pages. (Together withCotran, E. and Lau, M. (eds.))
Yearbook of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law, Vol. 14, Leiden/Boston: Koninklijke Brill, 2007-2008, 460 pages. (Together with Cotran, E. and Lau, M. (eds.))
Yearbook of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law, Vol. 13, Leiden/Boston: Koninklijke Brill, 2006-2007, 490 pages. (Together with Cotran, E. and Lau, M. (eds.))
ICTY Procedure and Practice Reader A & B (2007): Course reader edited for Leiden University, LL.M. (Adv.) Public International Law, 2006-2007.
Book Chapters
Articles 2-4 and 62, Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, and Articles 1, 5 and 6, Statute of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, in De Hert, P., Flamme, J. and Struyven, O. (eds.), Code of International Criminal Law and Procedure, Annotated, Brussels: Larcier, 2012 (Forthcoming).
11 reports on EU peacekeeping operations in Costas Trascasas, M., The Integration of the Human Rights Component in EU Peacekeeping Operations: a Transversal Analysis, Valencia: Psylicom, 2012.
General Principles of Islamic Law of War: A Reassessment, in Cotran, E. and Lau, M. (eds.), Yearbook of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law, Vol. 13, Leiden/Boston: Koninklijke Brill, 2006-2007, at 37-56.
In 2009, this publication was purchased by the International Committee of the Red Cross for its research and library services (cf. Bibliography published in Vol. 91 No. 874 International Review of the Red Cross).
In 2011, this publication has been listed as a recommendable read in Marco Sassòli, Antoine A. Bouvier and Anne Quintin, How Does Law Protect In War? Cases, Documents and Teaching Materials on Contemporary Practice in International Humanitarian Law, Vol. 1, Geneva: International Committee of the Red Cross, 2011 (Third Edition).
Islamic Law and the Responsibility to Protect, Vol. 4(2) (2010), Human Rights and International Legal Discourse, at 191-209.
When Justice Meets Peace: Reassessing the Relationship between the ICC and the Security Council, Vol. 1(1) (2008), Issues in International Criminal Justice, at 24-58.
Vol. 1(1) (2008), Issues in International Criminal Justice was endorsed by the ICC Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Campo.
The United States of America’s Global War on Terror in Iraq: International Humanitarian Law Approaches, CERIS Publications 2006, at 1-76. (www.ceris.be)
In 2007, this article was listed by the International Society for Military Law and the Law of War as a major reference work in the field of International Humanitarian Law (cf. Bibliography, Newsletter April/May/June 2007).
Book Reviews
Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies, Vol. 2(2) 2012:
Shah, N. A., Islamic Law and the Law of Armed Conflict: The Armed Conflict in Pakistan, London; New York: Routledge, 2011, 165 pages.
Cotran, E. and Lau, M. (eds.), Yearbook of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law, Vol. 15, Leiden/Boston: Koninklijke Brill, 2009-2010:
Baderin, M. A. (ed.), Islam and Human Rights: Selected Essays of Abdullahi An-Na’im, Surrey: Ashgate, 2010, 372 pages.
Cotran, E. and Lau, M. (eds.), Yearbook of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law, Vol. 14, Leiden/Boston: Koninklijke Brill, 2007-2008:
Tucker, J. E., Women,Family, and Gender in Islamic Law, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008, 255 pages.
The Military Law and the Law of War Review, Vol. 45 (2006):
Abtahi, H. and Boas, G. (eds.), The Dynamics of International Criminal Justice. Essays in Honour of Sir Richard May, Leiden: MartinusNijhoff Publishers, 2006, 318 pages.
Bailleux, A., La compétence universelle au carrefour de la pyramide et du réseau. De l’expérience belge à l’exigence d’une justice pénale internationale, Bruxelles : Bruylant, 2005, 240 pages.
X., België en het Internationaal Strafgerechtshof: Complementariteit en Samenwerking. Akten van het Colloquium van 17 mei 2004, Brussel: Bruylant, 2005, 330 pagina’s.
Conference Papers (Unpublished)
Invited Leader of Tomorrow
University of St.Gallen, 41st St.Gallen Symposium, Just Power (10-13 May 2011)
Enforcing International Humanitarian Law: Obligations ErgaOmnes and International Criminal Justice
UniversitéLibre de Bruxelles, Jus Post Bellum and Transitional Justice ATLAS Conference (21-22 October 2010)
La Cour internationale de justice et ses avis consultatifs en matière d’autodétermination
Université Libre de Bruxelles, Midi du Centre de droit international (8 October 2010)
Humanitarian Conscience and International Law: Reconceiving Humanitarian Intervention
Groningen University, Osaka University Forum 2010, Globalisation and Conflict: Entanglement between Local and Cosmopolitan Orientations (28-30 September 2010)
Islamic Law and the Responsibility to Protect
Belgian University Foundation, Human Rights and International Legal Discourse International Conference, The Contribution of Non-Western Legal Systems to International Human Rights Law (13-14 September 2010)
Towards Unity in Diversity: Race and Human Rights
Warwick University, Fourth Annual Postgraduate Conference on Whose Rights? How Right? (13 March 2010)
International Humanitarian Law and Obligations ErgaOmnes:Protecting the Humanitarian Conscience
School of Oriental and African Studies and London School of Economics and Political Science, Third Annual International Law Colloquium (16-17 January 2010)
Human Rights for Human Wrongs: Race and International Law
King’s College London, Third Annual International Graduate Research Conference on International Law (2-3 July 2009)
Dividing Mankind under Islamic Law: Past Doctrines and Present Applications
Oxford Brookes University, Law and Religion Scholars Network Doctoral Students Conference (30 June 2009)
Reconceiving the International Court of Justice’s Advisory Jurisdiction on Self-Determination
School of Oriental and African Studies, Research Students Conference on Regional Studies and Critical Perspectives on Regions (5-6 June 2009)
Equality before International Law: Human Rights and Women
Birkbeck College, Birkbeck School of Law Postgraduate Conference 2009 (29-30 May 2009)
The Structure of the Legal Argument in International Humanitarian Law
Cambridge University and London School of Economics and Political Science, Tenth Anniversary Inter-University Graduate Conference on Culture, Cognition and Construction (22-23 May 2009)
Dividing Mankind under International Law: Human Rights and Race
Oxford University, Green Templeton College Human Welfare Conference II on “Globalisation” and Human Welfare: Innovations in Sustainable Solutions (9-10 May 2009)
The Structure of the Legal Argument in the Islamic Law of War
Cardiff University, Law and Religion Scholars Network Conference 2009 (5 May 2009)
Asymmetrical Warfare: The Historical Grounds of International Humanitarian Law
King’s College London, Second Annual International Graduate Research Conference on International Law (9-10 June 2008)
International Humanitarian Law and Islamic Laws of War: Towards the Reconceptualisation of the Self and its Dark Side
School of Oriental and African Studies, First Annual Postgraduate Colloquium on International Law (19-20 January 2008)
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