
- 职称/职务
- 教授
- 研究领域
杜明教授是杜伦大学跨国法教授兼全球政策研究所联合主任。在2019年9月加入杜伦大学之前,他曾于2016年4月起担任萨里大学中国法与比较法教授。他在北京清华大学法学院接受法律教育,随后获得哈佛法学院法学硕士学位(获Victor and William Fung奖学金)以及牛津大学博士学位(Brasenose学院,获Clarendon和ORS奖学金)。
杜明教授目前的研究主要集中在全球经济治理(贸易、投资和金融),中国的国际法理论和实践,以及当代中国法治的发展。其研究获英国国家学术院 (British Academy) 和Leverhulme Trust基金支持,获2024年英国国家学术院高级研究奖。
他是Edward Elgar Chinese Law and Policy系列丛书的主编,也是《中国国际法杂志》《世界投资与贸易杂志》《亚太法律评论》和《中国跨国法杂志》等学术期刊的编委会成员。
Professor Ming Du is Professor of Transnational Law and the Co-Director of Global Policy Institute. Prior to joining Durham in September 2019, he was Professor in Chinese & Comparative Law at University of Surrey from April 2016, and Reader in International Business Law at Lancaster University from September 2013. He was raised in China and completed his Chinese law training at Tsinghua University School of Law in Beijing. He holds an LLM from Harvard Law School, where he was a Victor and William Fung Fellow and a DPhil from University of Oxford (Brasenose College) where he was a Clarendon Scholar.
His current research focuses on the theoretical and structural issues of global economic governance (trade, investment and finance), China's approach to international law, and the development of the rule of law in contemporary China. He also retains a strong interest in corporate law and cross-border business transations in which he practiced as a qualified lawyer in both New York and Beijing for a number of years.
He sits on editorial boards of Chinese Journal of International Law, the Journal of World Investment &Trade, Asia Pacific Law Review, and the Chinese Journal of Transnational Law.
Research Interests
China's Approach to International Law
Comparative Law
Foreign Investment Law
International Dispute Settlement
Public International Law and International Relations
The Rule of Law in China
World trade law (WTO)
-Authored book
Du, M. (2020). The Regulation of Product Standards in World Trade Law. Hart Publishing
-Book Review
Du, M. (2021). A Chinese Theory of International Law. Asian Journal of International Law, 11(2), 392-393. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-2882-8
Du, M. (2016). China in the International Economic Order: New Paradigms and New Directions. Social and Legal Studies, 25(1), 123-126
Du, M. (2015). The BRIC States and Outward Foreign Direct Investment
-Chapter in book
Du, M. (in press). China Subsidy Problem and the Limits of the SCM Agreement. In D. Collins, & V. Vadi (Eds.), Routledge Handbook on International Economic Law. Routledge
Du, M. (2025). State-owned Enterprises. In J. Chaisse, & C. Herrmann (Eds.), The International Law of Economic Integration (963-976). Oxford University Press
Du, M. (2024). The Future of Investor-State Dispute Settlement in the EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment. In A. Svetlicinii, & I.-J. Chen (Eds.), The EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment: Towards a Binding Investment Liberalization (211-232). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-66862-3_11
Du, M. (2024). China’s Green Industrial Policy and Its Implications for the EU– China Relationship. In F. Cappelletti, & G. Pogorel (Eds.), Sustainable? Competitive? The EU’s Industrial Autonomy – Facts and Fantasies (61-66). European Liberal Forum. https://doi.org/10.53121/ELFS7
Du, M. (2023). Article 4 and Annex 3 TBT: Preparation, Adoption and Application of Standards and Code of Good Practice. In M. Wagner (Ed.), Commentaries on World Trade Law: Volume 4 Technical Barriers and SPS Measures (400-425). Brill Academic Publishers. https://doi.org/10.1163/2666-4941_wtco_com_2005
Du, M. (2023). Dashed Hopes? The Limits of International Economic Norms in Promoting the Rule of Law in China. In S. Hua (Ed.), Chinese Legality: Ideology, Law and Institutions (73-93). Routledge
Du, M. (2023). Chinese State-Owned Enterprises and International Investment Law. In P. Delimatsis, G. Dimitropoulos, & A. Gourgourinis (Eds.), State Capitalism and International Investment Law (161-184). Bloomsbury. https://doi.org/10.5040/9781509963003.ch-008
Bush, C., & Du, M. (2022). Towards a Win-Win EU-China Bilateral Investment Treaty: Challenges and Prospects. In Y.-C. Kim (Ed.), China and the Belt and Road Initiative (145-177). (1). Springer Verlag. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-86122-3_7
Du, M., & Shen, W. (2021). The Future of Investor-State Dispute Settlement: Exploring China’s Changing Attitude. In J. Chaisse, L. Choukroune, & S. Jusoh (Eds.), Handbook of international investment law and policy (2483-2506). Springer Verlag. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-3615-7_86
Kong, Q., & Du, M. (2020). Is the 'Belt and Road' Initiative the Chinese Vision of Global Governance?. In M. Giuseppe, & X. Wu (Eds.), A Legal Analysis of the Belt & Road Initiative: Towards a New Silk Road? (5-20). Palgrave. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-46000-6
Du, M. (2015). The Place of Chinese State-owned Enterprises in WTO Law: An Analysis of United States- Definitive Anti-dumping and Countervailing Duties on Certain Products from China. In W. Shan, & Q. Liu (Eds.), China and International Commercial Dispute Resolution (306-332). Brill Academic Publishers
Du, M. (2014). Look before You Leap: The Case for China's Tripartite Strategy towards the Trans-Pacific Partnership. In J. Hu, & M. Vanhullebusch (Eds.), Regional Cooperation and Free Trade Agreements in Asia (99-119). Brill Academic Publishers
Du, M. (2013). Standard of Review in TBT Cases. In T. Epps, & M. J. Trebilcock (Eds.), Research Handbook on the WTO and Technical Barriers to Trade (164-203). Edward Elgar Publishing
-Journal Article
Du, M., & Peng, D. L. (2024). The Dejudicialization of International Dispute Settlement: A Paradigm Shift in International Economic Law?. Journal of World Trade, 58(6), 895-918
Du, M. (2024). International Investment Law and the Rule of Law: The Case of China. Washington international law journal, 33(2), 314-344
Du, M. (2024). International Economic Law in the Era of Great Power Rivalry. Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, 57(3), 723-794
Du, M. (2023). Explaining China’s approach to investor-state dispute settlement reform: a contextual perspective. European Law Journal: Review of European Law in Context, 28(4-6), 281-303. https://doi.org/10.1111/eulj.12468
Du, M. (2023). Unpacking the Black Box of China's State Capitalism. German law journal, 24(1), 125-150. https://doi.org/10.1017/glj.2023.2
Du, M. (2023). Huawei Strikes Back: Challenging National Security Decisions before Investment Arbitral Tribunals. Emory international law review, 37(1), 1-54
Du, M. (2022). From ‘Non-market Economy’ to ‘Significant Market Distortions’: rethinking the EU anti-dumping regulation and China’s state interventionism. Yearbook of European Law, 41, 314-347. https://doi.org/10.1093/yel/yeac004
Du, M. (2022). China's State-owned Enterprises and International Investment Law. Georgetown Journal of International Law, 53(4), 627-734
Du, M. (2021). The Status of Chinese State-owned Enterprises in International Investment Arbitration: Much Ado about Nothing?. Chinese Journal of International Law, 20(4), 785-815. https://doi.org/10.1093/chinesejil/jmab040
Du, M. (2021). Clearing the fog: Forest Stewardship Council labelling and the World Trade Organization. Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law, 30(1), 81-94. https://doi.org/10.1111/reel.12373
Du, M. (2021). Voluntary Eco-Labels in International Trade Law: A Case Study of the EU Eco-Label. Journal of Environmental Law, 33(1), 167-193. https://doi.org/10.1093/jel/eqaa022
Du, M., & Kong, Q. (2020). Explaining the Limits of the WTO in Shaping the Rule of Law in China. Journal of International Economic Law, 23(4), 885-905. https://doi.org/10.1093/jiel/jgaa027
Du, M. (2018). WTO Regulation of Transnational Private Authority in Global Governance. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 67(4), 867-902. https://doi.org/10.1017/s0020589318000313
Du, M. (2018). How to Define 'Public Morals' in WTO Law? A Critique of Brazil-Taxation and Charges Panel Report. Global Trade and Customs Journal, 13(2), 69-74. https://doi.org/10.54648/gtcj2018010
Du, M. (2018). Re- Conceptualising the Role of Science in International Trade Disputes. Journal of World Trade, 52(5), 697-720
Du, M. (2016). The Regulation of Chinese State-owned Enterprises in National Foreign Investment Laws: A Comparative Analysis. Global Journal of Comparative Law, 5(1), 118-145. https://doi.org/10.1163/2211906X-00501006
Du, M. (2016). Permitting Moral Imperialism: The Public Morals Exception to Free Trade at the Bar of the World Trade Organization. Journal of World Trade, 50(4), 675-704
Du, M., & Kong, Q. (2016). EC-Seal Products: A New Baseline for the Global Economic Governance and National Regulatory Autonomy Debate in the Multilateral Trading System. Manchester journal of international economic law, 13(1), 2-21
Du, M. (2016). The Necessity Test in World Trade Law: What Now?. Chinese Journal of International Law, 15(4), 817-847
Du, M. (2016). 'Treatment No Less Favourable' and the Future of National Treatment Obligation in Article III:4 of the GATT 1994 after EC - Seals. World Trade Review, 15(1), 139-163
Du, M., & Deng, F. (2016). International Standards as Global Public Goods in the World Trading System. Legal Issues of Economic Integration, 43(2), 113-144
Du, M. (2016). China's 'one Belt, One Road' Initiative: Context, Focus, Institutions, and Implications. Chinese Journal of Global Governance, 2(1), 30-43. https://doi.org/10.1163/23525207-12340014
Du, M. (2015). Explaining China's Tripartite Strategy toward the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement. Journal of International Economic Law, 18(2), 407-432. https://doi.org/10.1093/jiel/jgv021
Du, M. (2015). What is a Technical Regulation in the TBT Agreement?. European Journal of Risk Regulation, 6(3), 396-404
Du, M. (2015). The Case against China's Joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership
Du, M. (2015). Taking Stock: What Do We Know, and Do Not Know, about the National Treatment Obligation in the GATT/WTO Legal System?. Chinese Journal of Global Governance, 1(1), 67-95. https://doi.org/10.1163/23525207-00000005
Du, M. (2014). China's State Capitalism and World Trade Law. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 63(2), 409-448. https://doi.org/10.1017/s0020589314000062
Du, M. (2014). When China's National Champions Go Global: Nothing to Fear but Fear itself?. Journal of World Trade, 48(6), 1127-1166
Du, M. (2012). Has the WTO Appellate Body Pushed the Limits of Global Governance in China-Publications Case?. Chinese Journal of International Law, 11(1), 227-234. https://doi.org/10.1093/chinesejil/jmr056
Du, M. (2011). The Rise of National Regulatory Autonomy in the GATT/WTO Regime. Journal of International Economic Law, 14(3), 639-675
Du, M. (2010). Reducing Product Standards Heterogeneity through International Standards in the WTO: How Far across the River?. Journal of World Trade, 44(2), 295-318. https://doi.org/10.54648/trad2010010
Du, M. (2010). Autonomy in Setting Appropriate Level of Protection under the WTO Law: Rhetoric or Reality?. Journal of International Economic Law, 13(4), 1077-1102
Du, M. (2010). Standard of Review under the SPS Agreement after EC - Hormones II. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 59(2), 441-459
Du, M., & Li, K. X. (2007). Does China Need Competition Law?. Journal of Business Law, 2007(3), 182-208
Du, M. (2007). Domestic Regulatory Autonomy under the TBT Agreement: From Non-Discrimination to Harmonization. Chinese Journal of International Law, 6(2), 269-306. https://doi.org/10.1093/chinesejil/jmm022
Li, K. X., Che, P., & Du, M. (2005). Antitrust control of mergers and acquisitions: a case study of China. Journal of Business Law, 2005(9), 597-616